Saturday, September 23, 2006

My pitiful attempt at being funny=
The Concise Spotter's Guide to Toffs, Tory Voters and other upperclass chaps:


Tory Voters:

What is a Tory Voter? Simple, a person who votes for the British Conservative, or Tory party. These people come in all shapes and sizes but usually have something else in common. Tory voters are the most numerous members of "upperclass humans" in the UK.

Usually varied. They can be of European Descent, African Descent or Asian, event Polynesian Descent. They come in a multitude of races, shapes and sizes. However nearly all of them are smartly dressed and have an air of smugness about them.

Most are usually quite smug and proud. Some even think that they're exempt from recieving parking tickets and then get a big shock when they do. Many even use up two parking spaces, even when their car hardly takes up one. Most are pretty decent chaps and will invite Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters to dinner at their place. However a disturbing number of them are really conservative and many support the barbaric act of Fox Hunting. A good deal are religious, namely Christian but you can find followers of other religions amongst the rest of the population.

Favourite TV Show(s)- They have no particular preference. Many like to watch party political broadcasts made by yours truly, the Conservatives.

Favourite Food/Drink- Varied, unlike Toffs there are a few vegetarians amongst them.

Favourite Book- Anything by Jeffery Archer or that denounces communism.

Pastimes- Complaining about left wing economic policies mostly.

Habitat- Medium sized 3-storey houses in suburban areas or well furnished flats. A few can be seen living in neatly furnished bungalows.


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