Friday, September 15, 2006

Celebraty Culture vs. Politics and other more important things: The Hideous Facts

We can't deny it, in Britain today, a good deal youths aged between 12 and 18 will be more interested in things like celebrities and other "nobodies who don't work for a living" than more important things, like voting in parliamentary elections or getting on with studying for university etc. That is indeed most disturbing, in fact if it spreads too much the only voters left with be supporters of the Conservative Party, or worse, the BNP! We need to kill it before it gets too far! We've already lost one voting generation and we can't let another to slip! In fact, if I had my way it'd be "You want money? INHERIT OR WORK FOR IT THEN!!!", preferably the latter in my opinion.

So, from my viewpoint the Communists had the right idea, if you want to feed yourself you have to work for it (I'm not neccesarily an advocate of the Communist Party though). Celebrities- all they do is kick a few balls, sing a few songs or just look good and get paid a bloody extortionate amount for it, gits! This should not be! For many their comfortable lifestyle isn't well earned and they quite franly, don't deserve it. Personally, I'd rather be remembered for something worthwhile like attempting to solve the world's energy problems or something.

As for actors and showmen, like Tom Baker or Freddy Mercury, they're quite entertaining and are so, in my opinion, putting something into society, even if it is small. They're exempt from my rant because I like them. However showoffs like David Beckham and Madonna, Karl Marx wants a word with you!


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