Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Now readers, here's a little joke for you:

A man dies and he goes to heaven. Once there he is greeted by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Behind St. Peter are a bunch of big clocks. "What are those clocks for?" asks the man.

"They're lie clocks," replies St. Peter, "each person on Earth has a lie clock. Each time you tell a lie, the hands move."

"Fascinating...Who's that one then?" asks the man.

"That's Mother Teresa's, as you can see the hands haven't moved so she hasn't lied at all in her life," the Saint informed the man.

"I see, who's that?"

Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's. The hands have moved twice so yhou can see that old Abe only ever told two lies in his life."

"Interesting, so what about George W. Bush's and Donald Rumsfeld's clocks then?" inquired the man.

"Jesus is using them in his office as fans."

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hey everyone! Let's celebrate the 50th post of this blog. Halfway there to clocking up 100!

*Looks around*

Oh alright! Hmph!

Friday, January 12, 2007

And courtesy of my growing insanity, here's a bunch of 1's and 0's:



Lovely aren't they!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's the Seventh of January and hey, I like the number seven. So, I guess I'll be doing the shout out thing next month, in the seventh year of this decade and whatnot...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Here is something I rarely ever show people, my "To-Do" list.

  1. Annoy Dad
  2. Start World War III
  3. Find an alternative to Oil and Coal
  4. Learn HTML and XHTML by the end of 2008
  5. Rig the next UK General Election so that the Conservatives loose all their seats, Labour looses some and the Communists get into power, leaving the LibDems relegated to 2nd Party Status.
  6. Think of something for number 7.
  7. Stay awake for 24 Hours.
  8. Stay awake for 48 Hours
  9. Do number 10.
  10. Be fluent in XML by the end of 2010

And that is my "To-Do" list. Please comment.

Monday, January 01, 2007

And a rotten new year...

So welcome Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen and rabid gorillas, welcome to the first post of the year 2007, and may it be a rotten one at that! Let's see, they've painted the school pink, the neighbours' cats have dug up the lawn, the local church is under siege and I'm sitting here writing about it in some intentionally-humourous-but-didn't-quite-turn-out-to-be-that sort of way.

And that's just the good part...