Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Here's something for the Red Dwarf fan. Here's a forum, a small place and it's looking for members. I've joined myself and I thought I'd put the link up here. See you there. *winks*


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ah, apologies readers for the inherent lack of updates. I've been busy recently so I haven't had much of a chance to update. Hopefully I shall be able to do more on this and the other blog.

Watch this space...

Friday, October 06, 2006

New Blog up and running, here is the address:


Don't forget to pop in and visit!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Here are my Top 30 Overall Doctor Who Stories- includes names of Doctor Actors.
(David Tennant Stories not included)

1.) Genesis of the Daleks (Tom Baker)
2.)The Talons of Weng-Chiang (Tom Baker)
3.)The Caves of Androzani (Peter Davison)
4.)Inferno (Jon Pertwee)
5.)The Evil of the Daleks (Patrick Troughton)
6.)City of Death (Tom Baker)
7.)The War Machines (William Hartnell)
8.)The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (Christopher Eccleston)
9.)Bad Wolf/The Parting of Ways (Christopher Eccleston)
10)Pyramids of Mars (Tom Baker)
11)Remembrance of the Daleks (Sylvester McCoy)
12)The Web of Fear (Patrick Troughton)
13)The Ark in Space (Tom Baker)
14)Terror of the Zygons (Tom Baker)
15)The Seeds of Doom (Tom Baker)
16)Horror of Fang Rock (Tom Baker)
17)The Robots of Death (Tom Baker)
18)The Deadly Assassin (Tom Baker)
19)The Power of the Daleks (Patrick Troughton)
20)Revelation of the Daleks (Colin Baker)
21)The Crusade (William Hartnell)
22)The Macra Terror (Patrick Troughton)
23)Spearhead from Space (Jon Pertwee)
24)The Daleks' Masterplan (William Hartnell)
25)The Ribos Operation (Tom Baker)
26)Ambassadors of Death (Jon Pertwee)
27)Fury from the Deep (Patrick Trougton)
28)The Invasion (Patrick Trougton)
29)State of Decay (Tom Baker)
30)Doctor Who and the Silurians (Jon Pertwee)

So as you can see, Past Doctors only. When Tennant finally leaves the list shall be updated! Bye...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I might be creating another (specialised) blog soon, but we'll have to see...

So, it's been in my head for quite some time now, I've been thinking about creating another blog, a specialised one. "On what?" I here you ask. On this P.C game of mine, LEGO Rock Raiders. So basically it's about a bunch of miners, their ship is stranded around an alien planet and they need more energy crystals, blah blah blah! On this blog I'll be talking (or writing) about the game and post mission diaries, IF I create it. You'll find out this Friday.

Oh and before I go, if you have a blog of your own, please comment! All comments are appreciated. Bye!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Which are you- Left, Right or Center? A political compass or so to speak...

Just today I discovered this site: http://www.politicalcompass.org
On this site you can take a test to see if you're Left wing/Right wing and Libertarian/Authoritarian, or right in the middle. This is my score: http://www.politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-7.25&soc=-4.67
So apparently I'm Libertarian Left, hmm...

Try it, you might be surprised, I wasn't! All I'll I say is that I'm relieved not to have come out as a Nazi...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

October- the beginning of the end for the year, and what really ticks me off about it...

October is that sort of mysterious month in my opinion. The days are getting shorter, the trees are losing their leaves and Mr Grimshaw at number 56 gets out his leave blower again. However this month strikes a nerve with me regarding certain things.

The three things that tick me off about October:

First one: HALLOWEEN. Yes it happens in Britain too. Personally I can do without it. October 31st is when the ne'er-do-wells really get moving. First they bang on your door, demand sweets and if you don't give them any: they egg your house; on the other hand if you do give them some, they still egg your house. And that's only one of the GOOD points! Trick-or-treating has never been in my good books. Little kids asking for sweets and other goodies, it makes me want to vomit! Thanks to Dunblaine we can't use guns to keep these little B*993*s away from our property any more! I suppose we could always use barbed wire. I always spend that day laying traps and landmines to keep the crowds away just in case my "BEWARE OF THE T-REX" sign doesn't work. Quite frankly those creeps don't deserve any treats- FOR GODS SAKE WORK FOR IT! And the eggers? Meet my friends the pumpkins! (I think you can see where this one is leading!) That usually keeps 99.999999999% of them away! As for firebombers I just call the police, or my Aunt Gladys. The latter option is usually more effective. And if all else fails I just resort to my collection of James Last records, that usually clears out the whole country!

Secondly: CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS IN THE SUPERMARKETS. Oh for goodness sake it's too early! Take them down and don't put them back up until the 1st of December! Ahem. Anyway I usually do my Christmas Shopping the January before.

Finally: EVERYTHING ELSE. The title is pretty self-explanatory.

That's my rant over. Now if you'll excuse me I have to juggle the plant pots.