Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Here are my Top 30 Overall Doctor Who Stories- includes names of Doctor Actors.
(David Tennant Stories not included)

1.) Genesis of the Daleks (Tom Baker)
2.)The Talons of Weng-Chiang (Tom Baker)
3.)The Caves of Androzani (Peter Davison)
4.)Inferno (Jon Pertwee)
5.)The Evil of the Daleks (Patrick Troughton)
6.)City of Death (Tom Baker)
7.)The War Machines (William Hartnell)
8.)The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (Christopher Eccleston)
9.)Bad Wolf/The Parting of Ways (Christopher Eccleston)
10)Pyramids of Mars (Tom Baker)
11)Remembrance of the Daleks (Sylvester McCoy)
12)The Web of Fear (Patrick Troughton)
13)The Ark in Space (Tom Baker)
14)Terror of the Zygons (Tom Baker)
15)The Seeds of Doom (Tom Baker)
16)Horror of Fang Rock (Tom Baker)
17)The Robots of Death (Tom Baker)
18)The Deadly Assassin (Tom Baker)
19)The Power of the Daleks (Patrick Troughton)
20)Revelation of the Daleks (Colin Baker)
21)The Crusade (William Hartnell)
22)The Macra Terror (Patrick Troughton)
23)Spearhead from Space (Jon Pertwee)
24)The Daleks' Masterplan (William Hartnell)
25)The Ribos Operation (Tom Baker)
26)Ambassadors of Death (Jon Pertwee)
27)Fury from the Deep (Patrick Trougton)
28)The Invasion (Patrick Trougton)
29)State of Decay (Tom Baker)
30)Doctor Who and the Silurians (Jon Pertwee)

So as you can see, Past Doctors only. When Tennant finally leaves the list shall be updated! Bye...


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