Thursday, December 07, 2006

Evolution or Creation? The big issue...

Right, here's a contentious issue, Evolution verses Creation. I myself am in the Evolutionary camp as is many members of my family and famous scientists, namely Richard Dawkins for one.

So, I begin. For a long time the Story of Creation in the Bible was held to be true by many people, a view upheld and enforced by the church at the time. However, in the mid to late 1800's Charles Darwin wrote a book entitled "Origin of the Species", which I happen to own myself. Now this shocked people at the time as it went against the teachings of the Bible, which very few people at the time did.
Personally I have to dismiss the Story of Creation as utter rubbish as what is stated in it is utter rot. Why? The Story of creation has NO scientific merit to it whilt the Theory of Evolution has plenty of evidence to sustain it. So, what evidence? Well, here's a list:
  • Fossil evidence. The fossils of creatures long dead have been found under the earth, many on different layers. Also tests have shown that they died at different times. A crucial piece of evidence to prove that not all life appeared at once on this planet as stated in Creation.
  • DNA, or Deoxyribosenucleicacid to you and me. DNA is a key part in proving Natural Selection, a key component of Evolution as an occurence and theory. DNA variations monitored over time show that the genetic structure of all life forms is varied and this is key to their species changing to adapt to its surroundings etc.
  • Chemical and Radiological analysis of the Earth's soil and species. Chemical composition changes to various objects over time have proven that this planet is ever changing, so its life must if it's to survive.
  • Continental drift. More proof of a changing world and part of the fossil theory.
  • Mutations and variation. This shows that species can change and that they can evolve too.

Only a small snippet of the evidence for Evolution, but it helps to disprove the Story of Creation very well. And anyway, what evidence is there for Creation? None, that is none with scientific merit. Sorry, but the Bible is not an accurate source of history! Far from it infact! Though when read at night it can be rather entertaining I must say. In fact this applies to other religious texts too- There is NO PROOF for anything that is stated down, well, no proof that's reliable that is.

I finish this with: Creationists, if you're going to argue with Evolutionaries, forget it! Creation has no reliable evidence to back it up and your argument is dead as religious texts can not be used as arguments!

Anyway, enough of my ranting. Normal service shall be resume as soon as possible, bye!


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