Monday, November 20, 2006

A little joke I thought up one day in a drug induced stupor...

A Gardener was tending to some thorny bushes of his when along comes a man in the street.

Man: "Hello!"
Gardener: "Oh hello."
Man: "What y'a doing?"
Gardener: "Oh, just tending to these special bushes of mine."
Man: "I see. What are they?"
Gardener: "An Abyssinian Cyanide Bush. Particularly potent, causes death in 30 seconds the poison does."
Man: "Nasty!"
Gardener: "I know! I put them up to keep the local yobs away!"
Man: "Oh, so what's the problem then?"
Gardener: "I just jabbed myself on one of the thorns."

Tiddy Boom!


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